Laid-Back Camp
Episode 9

par Paul Jensen,
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Combien donnez-vous l'épisode 9 de
Laid-Back Camp ?
Note de la communauté : 4.5

Good news, everyone: Laid-Back Camp has returned to the great outdoors! Well, sort of. Rin and Nadeshiko's next trip is put on hold when Nadeshiko comes down with a cold, and the road trip that Rin goes on instead comes to an end before she ever sets up a tent. But hey, at least Rin manages to do some sightseeing thanks to some mostly-reliable navigation by Nadeshiko and Chiaki. One step at a time, right?

Viewers who've missed Rin's solo camping trips will find this episode a welcome return to form. Laid-Back Camp's resident lone wolf is back to her old routine, and Rin's ability to carry a storyline on her own continues to impress. This episode does a lot to play up the humor of her inner monologues, with Rin commenting on everything from ancient temples to seasonal road closures. The latter sets up the show's most self-aware joke to date, with the closed gates interrupting both Rin's road trip and the opening theme song. Having Nadeshiko and Chiaki influence the trip from afar adds some variety to the usual formula, but this episode would have worked just as well without that new twist. Storylines like this are Laid-Back Camp's bread and butter, and it entertains in a way that seems almost effortless.

The rest of the episode is taken up with Nadeshiko and Chiaki's side of the story, and it's here that the series struggles a bit. The good news is that there are some highlights to be found, especially the comedic escalation of having more and more people show up to watch Chiaki cook. Unfortunately, this storyline just doesn't play to the show's strengths. The cooking scene isn't on par with what you'd get in a dedicated gourmet anime, and the chemistry between Chiaki and Nadeshiko is a little bland without having Aoi around to complete the Outclub trio. As detours go, it's perfectly watchable, but for the most part Nadeshiko and Chiaki work best this week as little text message voices on Rin's phone.

For me, the most interesting thing about this episode is the way it not only gets good entertainment value out of its meandering plot, but actually makes that lack of focus feel deliberate and beneficial. In both Rin's improvised road trip and Chiaki's cooking crisis, there's an underlying theme of “winging it”, embracing the lack of careful planning. Even though Rin never reaches her destination and Chiaki has to look up recipes online at the last second, things still work out pretty well for them. Personal connections are made, sights are seen, and Rin finds a way to involve Nadeshiko in the road trip even after she calls in sick. It's a nice counterpoint to some of the more meticulously planned outings we've seen in this series. Sure, it's not the most complex idea out there, but it's a good fit for Laid-Back Camp.

Ultimately, this episode is a reasonable course correction after last week's underwhelming effort. While it's not the best we've seen from this show, it's not the worst either. Even without a tent or campsite, Rin brings us back to the outdoors, and the rest of the cast play their supporting roles well enough. With Nadeshiko bringing up the subject of inviting Rin along on the Outclub's big camping trip, the stage is also being set for a strong story arc to round out the season. Laid-Back Camp once again feels like it's moving in the right direction, and with this show's glacial pacing, that's about all I can ask for in a single week.

Rating: B

Laid-Back Camp is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

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