Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
Episode 3

par Rebecca Silverman,
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Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion ?
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I had only one thought during the makeup scene: gee, I hope Raeli didn't avoid death by arsenic in her tea only to succumb to death by arsenic in her makeup. Given the relative fidelity to 19th-century Europe in this story, it is a possibility, albeit slim, based on the actual narrative. At least white lead makeup was largely phased out after the 18th century.

On the subject of that scene, though, I'd like to point out that while Nick certainly toes a very specific line regarding how he's presented, he's treated with a surprising amount of respect. I know, I know, the bar's practically in hell on this one, but appearance aside, he's not treated like a joke, and having Raeliana ask him his pronouns was a lovely touch. It may not be integral to the plot, but it is a good note in terms of the overall presentation of the story and its characters, right up there with Adam's poleaxed expression when he sees Raeli all done up, her endless frustration with Noah, and Noah's chuckle when he saw her punching a pillow she was almost definitely picturing as his face.

Raeliana may still be acting under the assumption that this is all a farce designed to save her life, but it's starting to look an awful lot like Noah is not operating by the same rules. Yes, they signed a contract stipulating that their engagement is fictitious, but he seems to be doing more than his part of the bargain and looks to be taking steps to make it a very real betrothal. Part of this may be the difference between Rinka's world and his own – as she notes, she gets much less privacy than she's used to, and when she asks in what world a man is allowed to just make engagement ceremony plans without consulting his fiancée, Noah very calmly tells her, “This one.” Does that mean he knows she's from a different time and place? Or is he simply assuming that she was raised in unusual circumstances? It's too early to tell, but the one thing that does seem clear is that he's willing to make this contractual engagement game into a true one, and every interaction she has with him looks to make him more invested in the idea.

We don't know why, of course. Episode two implied some political ambitions as it tossed names around like flower petals in a windstorm, but that may not be the whole story. Raeliana is, as she notes, from a noble house lower on the social scale than the Wynknight duchy, so she is unlikely to be a political asset in that sense. She's also not quite as good at playing the game as he is, but she's got potential on that front, which may be what intrigues him. A nobleman like Noah needs a wife who's either very clever or excellent social currency, and Raeli very well could be the first once she gets a better handle on her new existence. Noah's still trying to figure her out as a person – hence Adam's constant surveillance/protection of her – but it looks like he's leaning towards keeping her right now.

Everything is leading up to next week's episode when Raeliana makes her social debut as Noah's betrothed. We've been introduced to her situation, seen that she's got a plan and is putting it into action, and that she already possesses the requisite skills for duchesshood, like embroidery, dancing, and math. (Not watercolor painting? How progressive!) Episode four should bring everything together.


Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

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