Spring 2022 Anime Trailer Watch Party With Mother's Basement!

par Lynzee Loveridge, Jacki Jing, & Geoff Thew,
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It's time to hope into a new season of anime and there's no better way to welcome in the new season than with the the Spring 2022 Anime Trailer Watch Party! This time we're joined by Mother's Basement AniTuber Geoff Thew. Make sure to tune in LIVE tonight, at 6pm PDT/9pm EDT to catch all the trailers for the upcoming anime season!

YouTube personality Geoff Thew (Mother's Basement) will join executive editor Lynzee Loveridge and ANN video producer Jacki Jing to watch every spring anime season trailer. Watch along with us, share your most anticipated premieres, and find something new!

Geoff Thew is a YouTube creator whose channel Mother's Basement focuses on in-depth criticism of both anime and video games. A graduate of Vancouver Film School's game design program, Geoff is also a scriptwriter for Theorist Media's Game Theory and Film Theory web series. You can join him every Tuesday and Saturday for deep dives into art that will give you a new appreciation for your favorite anime, video games, and films.

Jacki Jing is ANN's lead video producer and resident punch 'em up fangirl. A recent competitor on season three of Netflix's The Circle, you can find her binge-watching the latest shonen battle royale series, kicking ass on Twitch, and hosting events from esports to voice actor interviews.

Lynzee Loveridge has the unique position of knowing what's tracking with the critics and with viewers in the anime fandom. She not only writes her own reviews every season but also reads everything from ANN's editorial staff! You can find her on YouTube every Monday for the ANN After Show! Outside of work, she's just a magical girl living in a Junji Ito world.

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