Final Fantasy Agito Smartphone Game's 3rd Trailer Showcase Battles

posté à par Lynzee Loveridge
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Game launched in Japan on Wednesday

Square Enix began streaming a third trailer for its Final Fantasy Agito game for iOS and Android on Wednesday. The "first battle" trailer shows the game's fighting mechanics. The game launched in Japan on Wednesday.

Players can aim to become an Agito by completing combat missions and deepening their friendships by interacting with NPCs. The fate of the world is reliant on the game's "decision" system where votes of players affect the world's history.

Final Fantasy Agito producer Hajime Tabata revealed in an interview with website US Gamer that not only will Final Fantasy Agito “definitely” be localized for a Western audience, he is hoping to bring Agito's companion title — Final Fantasy Type-0 — to the West via Sony's PlayStation Network. Square Enix registered trademarks for the "Final Fantasy Agito" title and logo in Europe.

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