World End Economica #2-3 Kickstarter Meets Fundraising Goal

posté à par Karen Ressler
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New stretch goal will upgrade all assets to HD

North American visual novel distributor Sekai Project's Kickstarter campaign for an English release of episodes two and three of Spice and Wolf author Isuna Hasekura's visual novel World End Economica met its goal of US$22,000 on Wednesday within 44 hours of its launch. The company plans to use the Kickstarter funds to localize both episodes digitally on Steam and release the entire trilogy in physical format. As of press time, the Kickstarter has earned US$24,409 from 493 backers with 27 days to go.

The company added a second stretch goal of US$33,000 for 1920x1080 art and video in both the new episodes and episode 1. If the campaign reaches its first stretch goal of US$30,000, Sekai Project will port the game for Android devices.

Sekai Project describes the story:

Written by Isuna Hasekura, the author of Spice and Wolf, World End Economica is a three-part visual novel set in the far future on the moon, 16 years after humans have begun to colonize it. A young boy named Haru has been chasing his wildest dream -- to stand where no man has stood before. To do so he needs capital... a ludicrous amount of capital. What better place to get that much money than by using the stock market?

The first "episode" launched in Japan in 2011 followed by the second episode in 2012 and the third episode in August 2013. Sekai Project released the first episode on Steam last month.

The visual novel episodes are slated for release in May 2015. The Steam release is planned for Windows, OSX, and Linux systems. Reward perks for backers include the digital soundtrack, pencil boards, and wall scrolls.

Thanks to johnnysasaki for the news tip.

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